
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Vegan MoFo: Because one juice just isn't enough

Today's Cooking the Rainbow color: blue/purple

It's been so hot lately (Monday we had our latest-ever-recorded 100F day) that what I really crave is juice.  Cold, refreshing, delicious, wonderful juice.  Even though I still have some kiwis left from Monday's recipe, I decided to use up the last of my blackberries instead.  I threw them, some apples and half a cucumber into the juicer and this is what came out.  And it tasted so good!

When the calendar says September I want to start putting away my tank tops, trading them for scarves and boots and sweaters, and I want to start drinking hot cider and thinking about putting up my fall decorations.  This stifling heat has squelched that desire so far, and since I may be moving further north (snow in October north) soon, I'm trying to enjoy the heat while it lasts.


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