
Friday, September 27, 2013

Vegan MoFo: Fresh raspberry frosting

Today's Cooking the Rainbow color: red

For my last red post of MoFo, I've got raspberry frosting using fresh raspberries.  Considering I caught one of my friends sneaking spoonfuls whenever she thought I wasn't looking, I'd say this is one for the "I can't believe it's vegan" category.  I love it so much it was the frosting on my wedding cake.
 I basically used the recipe from Two Peas and their Pod, except I used half shortening and half butter (6 Tbsp. each).  And I should point out that you should measure the raspberries whole, then puree them.  I had been baking all day, so I might have quickly glanced at the recipe and measured 1 cup of raspberry puree.  I then had a bowl of raspberry soup, which really wasn't what I was going for.  Some more shortening and powdered sugar later, I was able to get a frosting consistency.  It still turned out awesome, but I'd recommend not making that mistake to save some time. :)


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