
Monday, September 9, 2013

Vegan MoFo: Juice

Today's Cooking the Rainbow theme color: green

Kiwi apple pear juice!
1-2 kiwi, peeled
2 pears, washed and cored*
2 apples, washed and cored*
1/2 cucumber, washed
Run everything through the juicer and enjoy!

*I core my apples and pears before juicing because the seeds contain small amounts of cyanide.  I also usually add half a cucumber to all my juices - it makes sure the juice doesn't get too sweet or thick, and I like how refreshing it makes things (who knew fresh juice could be made more refreshing?).

Nutrition Benefits
kiwi: vitamin E, potassium, copper, vitamin C, and vitamin K
apple: vitamin C
pear: vitamin C
cucumber: magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium


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