
Friday, September 13, 2013

Vegan MoFo: Oven-roasted tomatoes

Today's Cooking the Rainbow color: red

Happy Friday the 13th!  I know yesterday I talked about enjoying the last bit of summer before it's gone.  And yet here I am today, posting about canning oven-roasted tomatoes - both processes that generate heat at a time when I'm trying to stay cool.  But what can I say, heat wave or not, fall is on my mind.  Plus I wanted to preserve my tomatoes before they went bad.

Here's my canning setup.  The tall pot is the one I actually do my canning in, while I keep water simmering in the smaller pot in case I need to add more to the canner while processing.  And when you're canning tomatoes (which need to boil for at least 85 minutes - yes you read that right, almost an hour and a half), you're going to need more water.  Random aside: Also note my Kitchenaid mixer in the background.  I just got it running again, yay!  I'll post about that little resurrection after MoFo.  :)

The tomatoes, just out of the oven.  I had just under 2.5 pounds, which gave me 4 pints canned.  I used the Pick Your Own instructions, except I left the tomatoes whole since they were cherries.  I roasted them at 450F for about 40 minutes.

My jars, boiling away in the pot.  I don't yet have a trivet (silicon thingy that keeps the jars from actually sitting on the metal bottom of the pot, thus keeping them from accidentally shattering while processing), so I put a dishcloth on the bottom of my pot.

One of the finished jars.  I can't wait to open them in the middle of the winter!

If you've never canned before (and even if you have), you should check out this post on canning safety.


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